Monday, March 8, 2010


Life now I feel is going to change. Recently someone I know opened my heart and mind to a lot of new things. I have been thinking alot about how I want to find God again. How maybe there is more and better out there for me. Dont get me wrong, I love Christopher so much and I do see him being the father of my kids but I feel that there could be someone better, possibly. But that is a risk I would have to take. And its not really a risk I want to take right now. But this someone is very intellegent, smart, loves God and put him before anything. I knew I could have a great friendship with this person. BUT....this someone is no longer in my life. It wasn't the right moment. But I feel he was in my life for just the right time. It does suck we probably will not become friends and have those talks we did before, or hang out. And that is something I am trying to accept in this moment. But even if he isnt a part of my life I know he has made a difference!
So Life will change. I know its going to. And right now I have to try to accept that. And accept that this someone is gone.
 But I have a feeling that life will work itself out and that one day soon all will be right in my life.
And you never know what a simple action will change!!