Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better."

In moments like this, its hard to understand and accept letting someone go. Especially if your truely care for them.
For me, Im dealing with it everyday. I tell myself that i need to just let him go, but its so hard to do. It was hard to walk away in the beginning and now that 2 years of being together, knowing that he was what i want the most, yes its hard to walk away now.
I know in my heart i should. And that i need to do the right thing for me. But it is not as easy as everyone makes it seem.
I want more than anything to keep fighting, keep holding on but when is enough?? And is it really worth it, worth the fight, worth the confusion, the pain, everything?
At this point i want to say that it is, but honestly i dont really know anymore.