Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well it is officially spring. I am very excited for everything thats ahead. I will be turning 21 May 4th and my little niece Abigail turns 6 on May 11th! Its so crazy that it already has been 6 years since Abgail was born. I remember her birth like it was yesterday! It was my first time ever seeing a baby be born and it was the most amazing thing to ever be a part of! It truely is a miracle :) Abigail is our familys blessing. I just can't believe how big she is getting! 

Anyway this spring is turning out great! I got a raise and offered full time at work, which I am so happy about. I really hope it goes through the DM and i can officially be full time. With only three of us girls at work its been very busy. Im working alot of hours, but that is nice because it means more money.

On top of all this excitment I am missing something. I miss going to school. Last spring I was attending EBC and loving it. I got to meet new people and learn not only about school work but about God too. It was a great experince and honestly...I wish I was still going. I am upset that finacial aid is a pain in my butt and that EBC is so expensive. Lately being at the games and going to volleyball practice really makes me miss it. I want my relationship with God to grow. I need to get the motivation and do something! I need to bring myself closer to him, build a solid relationship with God. This is something I keep saying I want to do but I slack on doing it. I need something, a little push......